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Director with 250 honours in the cellar
FILM Oskar Siebert has a good call acquired to himself in the amateur - film scene.
REGENSBURG: The whole studio is eingepfercht in a computer cupboard. „My woman to love“ says the amateur filmmaker Oskar Siebert. The celluloid sometimes threatened to tramp to her the rank. To films has meant to the qualified physiotherapist since his youth a lot. A freedom, de he as a Sudeten-German in Czechia might not live. And a passion which he realises in spite of 250 international prices - most bewart he in the cellar on - in Germany nearly unnoticed. „Because with the word Amateur filmmaker everybody thinks on bad quality“, he says. And because the cultural company rather looks after interpreter than around the artists.
They become in Germany an amateur - film scene of juries judged in which amateur sit. Abroad to jurieren professionals like the OSCAR - nominated cameraman Jost Vacano, after categories: The best screenplay, the best direction, the best film. „As with the Oscar - lending“, says Siebert. In this Siebert sees a reason, why he has created internationally the breakthrough.
Gold for the“ Prague romance“
The latest honouring comes from South Korea. Only from short one Siebert and his daughter Daniela from Seoul came back where they were honoured near „Seoul World film & video festival“ for her short feature "The Prague Romance". The professional jury of the Korean UNICA - the committees which existed of South-Korean film - and television celebrities awarded both Regensburger filmmakers the gold medal for "Best Scenario".
Without financial support of the REWAG - cultural endowment he could not even have fetched his price in Korea, tells Siebert. „Amateur films may play in no money.“ This has a certain tragedy, because in Sieberts to films even TV stations are interested. Thus he had to get used to bringing together the means for his films independently.
The family enterprise
To films at the level, this was only possible because he for the whole family clamped - from beginning. As four-year-olds daughter Daniela led by the film „Come, I show you my town“. The stripe became one occur and Daniela later his „best production manager“ in the common company „videoAktiv Regensburg“. Not every film produced he with amateur actors. He engaged professional actor in "mother". „This has properly cost money“. Also for "mother" he received many prices, according to "Top of the Ten" of Melbourne Internationally film festivals“.
Sieberts films became worldwide prize-winning, from Great Britain via the USA, Australia up to „Malta Internationally a film festival“. „This is the European OSCAR“ he says and gets the trophy from the cupboard. The lights in his eyes cover the radio of the tragedy which accompanies his career.
Flora Jädicke DIENSTA, DECEMBER 23/2008