From the press



RUNDSCHAU - 24th of December, 2008


Oskar Siebert collects film awards

Regensburger filmmaker wins gold medal with film Festival in Korea.


Regensburg (XWA). Oskar Siebert and his daughter Daniela collect trophies like other people stamps. In the meantime, already more than 250 film awards she has received.


For the film "The Prague Romance" Oskar Siebert recently week got the gold medal of the Korean UNICA - film committee. With the presentation in Seoul Siebert was the only European prize-winner. „We were distinguished for the best screenplay. The professional jury was with professionals from film and watch TV occupied“, reports Oskar Siebert proudly. His short film "The Prague Romance" is German - Czech film project which was turned already in autumn, 2001. Only one of more than 50 films, the Sieberts film group "videoAktiv" up to now has produced.


Siebert and his daughter Daniela took part in more than 500 film festivals - and competitions up to now. Honouring and first prizes in Europe, Australia and America have both longest in the shelve, „now, finally, also from Asia“ Siebert enumerates after the return from Korea. Siebert itself financed most film projects, financial support got the film team, however, also over and over again from the cultural endowment of the REWAG.