From the press |
Success in Regensburg, Germany(
Siebert chose to celebrate by inviting films from every country where his work had been shown at festivals. Over the years he had success in AIFVF. He visited the USA with his daughter and film-making partner, Daniella. During their visit they shot Following the Trace of America's Indians. Festival entries were received from Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, England, Estonia, Guernsey, Italy, Malta, Macedonia, Norway, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Switzerland and the USA. The beautiful city of Regensburg on the Danube showed no signs of the recent flooding. Its picturesque streets were thronged with holiday makers and local people enjoying summer ice-creams in pavement cafes. In a romantic cinema at the top of a medieval tower, the festival screenings were enjoyed by townspeople and visitng film makers alike. Even to be selected for showing was an honour. The documentary award went to Dima Ilieva for The Song, the drama award went to Eleonora Abela for Katrina and the overall best in festival went to Jaroslav Nykl for Largetto.
Bob Meacham |